Recommended: a superb novel and an autobiographical travelogue;
two experiences of yoga

Photos of a portrait of Lily Adams-Beck, then Paul Brunton with Ramana Maharshi (1930)

Written in an old-fashioned but delightful way, "A search in secret India" takes us to British India in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and offers us the initiatory journey of an English painter who, as he approaches the high peaks of the Himalayas, discovers within himself, thanks to yoga, unknown territories where the wind of the supernormal blows.
Paul Brunton's autobiographical account of "Secret India" takes us to early 20th-century India and describes his encounters with yogis (real and fake), fakirs and illusionists, and a number of sages (real and fake). He ends his journey with the great sage Ramana Maharshi, who will have a great influence on the rest of his life.




Pranayama-Andre  Van Lysebeth

A complete and detailed method for risk-free practice, with the clarity of explanation we've come to expect from André Van Lysebeth's books. A bible on the yogic art of breathing


Dream and waking sleep

Dreaming Yoga, part of Tibetan Yoga, is a technique for "waking up" during the night dream, in other words, to be aware that one is dreaming. It has powerful psychological and spiritual effects, coupled with the practice of meditation.

One immediately makes the connection with Yoga Nidra, "Yoga of awake sleep", which allows him, in a state of relaxation of the body similar to that of sleep, to keep a lucid mind and to create mental images very close to those of the dream state.

Other techniques make it possible to initiate a lucid state in the dream.

Combining these various techniques makes it possible to progress and provides additional tools for this particular condition. The practice of concentration and attention linked to meditation, amplifies and allows a faster and more powerful access to this state of awakening in the dream.
The tibetan yogas of dreal and sleep
Yoga Nidra-Swami Satyananda
Lucid Dreaming - Stephen Laberge
Two ways of accessing the clarity of the mind or deep vision are offered to us: the progressive way where the "contours of the landscape" are gradually revealed and emerge from our thick mental mists, and the direct way where we suddenly emerge into full clarity. These two ways are complementary.
A few precious books to read and reread, where each page lifts a corner of the veil, that only the assiduous practice of attention to the present moment will allow us to fully realize, the words and the tricks of the mind blocking our access...
The words of the book are the finger pointing to the moon and its radiant clarity, but...
"the wise man looks at the moon and the fool looks at the finger"...
The books listed below are treasures. Their simplicity and clarity bring us face to face with the mountains of complexity that our mind has created and that the force of habit maintains at a high level.
Reading and re-reading these books even 10 years later, even 20 years later, will always reveal new things that we had not seen, that we had not understood .... Good reading...good practice.


Stillness speaks-Eckart Tolle
Eckart Tolle's books show us where to bring our attention and vigilance to break out of our addiction to the words and images our thoughts convey, and access who we really are.